How are Schools Preparing for the Upcoming School Year?
We are going through a global pandemic and it is showing no signs to go away anytime soon. India has also suffered a lot during this time. Almost everything came to a halt because of the deadly COVID-19 virus. But our lives must go on. So, the world is slowly returning to normal. And, India is no exception. Offices are reopening. Public transports are making a comeback in great numbers. Many schools in India have also started to conduct physical classes after conducting online classes for almost a year. Now the question is how the schools in Delhi are preparing for the upcoming session. Read on to find out. When is the new school year starting in Delhi? Like other states, the new session for students in classes in Delhi 1-8 is going to begin on April 1. As we know, the COVID situation has already done enough damage to the learning of students. The schools had no choice but to conduct online classes from home to save their students from contracting the virus. Presently, the govern...